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PHP扩展无法在Windows Azure上运行

更新时间:2023-02-22 19:27:40


I have already solved this problem on my own. The solution is quite simpel actually...

在应用设置"中添加以下内容:左侧为PHP_EXTENSIONS.bin/php_xsl.dll在右侧.PHP_EXTENSIONS = bin/php_xsl.dll

In 'App Settings' add this: PHP_EXTENSIONS on the left side. bin/php_xsl.dll on the right side. PHP_EXTENSIONS = bin/php_xsl.dll


So it needs the forward slash instead of the backslash.

请注意,XSL dll文件不适用于任何PHP版本.当前版本仅适用于5.4,并且对于每个php版本,您都可以找到另一个dll文件.据我目前所知,5.5没有xsl dll.就像pdo_sqlsrv.dll一样.

Please notice that the XSL dll files are not working on any PHP version. The current version is only working on 5.4 and for every php version you can find another dll-file. 5.5 does not have it's xsl dll as far as I know for now. Just as pdo_sqlsrv.dll btw.