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在 Windows 7 上的 XAMPP 中更改 php 写入权限

更新时间:2023-02-22 21:51:24

Windows 通常对读/写权限的限制较少.如果您没有将 XAMPP 安装到 C:ProgramFiles 中,则该设置文件权限不适用于您的安装.在不太可能的情况下,您的 PHP 日志显示有关文件权限的警告/错误,然后像您描述的那样更改它们(使用设置>权限)是要走的路.您只需找出 apache 在哪个用户名下运行(通过管理工具、服务)并在相应文件夹中为该用户添加读/写权限.

Windows is generally less restrictive about read/write-permissions. If you did not install XAMPP into C:ProgramFiles chances are good, that setting file-permissions does not apply to your installation. In the unlikely case, that your PHP-log shows warnings/errors regarding file permissions, then changing them like you described (with settings > permissions) is the way to go. You just have to find out, under which user name apache is running (via Administrative Tools, Services) and add read/write permissions for that user in the appropriate folder.

简而言之,您可以忽略在 Windows 上设置文件权限的部分.

In short, you can ignore the sections on setting file permissions on Windows.