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PHP json_encode将数字编码为字符串

更新时间:2023-02-23 11:34:19


I've done a very quick test :

$a = array(
    'id' => 152,
    'another' => 'test',
    'ananother' => 456,
$json = json_encode($a);
echo $json;


This seems to be like what you describe, if I'm not mistaken ?




So, in this case, the integers have not been converted to string.


Still, this might be dependant of the version of PHP we are using : there have been a couple of json_encode related bugs corrected, depending on the version of PHP...

此测试是使用PHP 5.2.6进行的;我在PHP 5.2.9和5.3.0中得到了同样的东西;我没有其他5.2.x版本可供测试,但是: - (

This test has been made with PHP 5.2.6 ; I'm getting the same thing with PHP 5.2.9 and 5.3.0 ; I don't have another 5.2.x version to test with, though :-(


Which version of PHP are you using ? Or is your test-case more complex than the example you posted ?

可能有一个关于 http:/的错误报告/bugs.php.net/ 可能是相关的?例如, Bug#40503 :json_encode整数转换与PHP不一致

Maybe one bug report on http://bugs.php.net/ could be related ? For instance, Bug #40503 : json_encode integer conversion is inconsistent with PHP ?

也许 Bug#38680 也会让你感兴趣,顺便说一下?

Maybe Bug #38680 could interest you too, btw ?