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更新时间:2023-02-23 12:58:31



I got a solution that finally fits all my needs.
I admit it is a lot more complicated than T.J.'s one, which can be perfect for simple cases.

请记住,我的主要问题是使用 \b 因为带有重音符号而无法使用。


Remember, my main problem was the impossilibity to use \b because of the accented characters.
I was able to get rid of that issue by using the solution from this topic:
Remove accents/diacritics in a string in JavaScript



After that, I used a modified function highly inspired from the answer here…
How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?


… and had a very hard time, playing a lot with RegEx to finally get to that solution:

var str_orig = `· I'm "happy" ! Ça y est, j'ai "osé", et mon "âme sœur" était au rendez-vous…
· The sign says: "Some text "some text" some text." and "Note the space here !"
⋅ "Inc"or"rect" quo"tes should " not be replaced.
· I said: "If it works on 'singles' too, I'd love it even more!"
word1" word2"
word1 word2"
"word1 word2
"word1" word2
"word1" word2"
"word1 word2"`;

// Thanks, exactly what I needed!
var str_norm = str_orig.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');

// Thanks for inspiration
String.prototype.replaceQuoteAt = function(index, shift) {
  const replacers = ""‘"’";
  var offset = 1 * (this[index] == "'") + 2 * (shift);
  return this.substr(0, index) + replacers[offset] + this.substr(index + 1);

// Opening quote: not after a boundary, not before a space or at the end
var re_start = /(?!\b)["'](?!(\s|$))/gi;
while ((match = re_start.exec(str_norm)) != null) {
  str_orig = str_orig.replaceQuoteAt(match.index, false);

// Closing quote: not at the beginning or after a space, not before a boundary
var re_end = /(?<!(^|\s))["'](?!\b)/gi;
while ((match = re_end.exec(str_norm)) != null) {
  str_orig = str_orig.replaceQuoteAt(match.index, true);

console.log("Corrected: \n", str_orig);

以下是一个带有 textarea 的工作示例的片段。

我刚刚创建了第一个代码段的代码函数,我在插入符号位置使用子字符串来过滤函数的调用(避免在每个字符输入上调用它) :

And below is a snippet of a working example with a textarea.
I've just created a function of the code of the first snippet, and I'm using a substring around the caret position to filter the calling of the function (that avoids calling it on every character input):

String.prototype.replaceQuoteAt = function(index, offset) {
  const replacers = ""‘"’";
  var i = 2 * (offset) + 1 * (this[index] == "'");
  return this.substr(0, index) + replacers[i] + this.substr(index + 1);

function replaceQuotes(str) {
  var str_norm = str.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');
  var re_quote_start = /(?!\b)["'](?!(\s|$))/gi;
  while ((match = re_quote_start.exec(str_norm)) != null) {
    str = str.replaceQuoteAt(match.index, false);
  var re_quote_end = /(?<!(^|\s))["'](?!\b)./gi;
  while ((match = re_quote_end.exec(str_norm)) != null) {
    str = str.replaceQuoteAt(match.index, true);
  return str;

var pasted = 0;
document.getElementById("myInput").onpaste = function(e) {
  pasted = 1;

document.getElementById("myInput").oninput = function(e) {
  var caretPos = this.selectionStart; // Gets caret position
  var chars = this.value.substring(caretPos - 2, caretPos + 1); // Gets 2 chars before caret (just typed and the one before), and 1 char just after
  if (pasted || chars.includes(`"`) || chars.includes(`'`)) { // Filters the calling of the function
    this.value = replaceQuotes(this.value); // Calls the function
    if (pasted) {
      pasted = 0;
    } else {
      this.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos); // Restores caret position

#myInput {
  width: 90%;
  height: 100px;

<textarea id="myInput"></textarea>


$ b $b⋅定期输入,
$ b $b⋅在输入文本后添加引号,


It seems to work with all I can imagine right now.
The function correctly replaces the quotes when:
⋅ typing regularly,
⋅ adding quotes after we typed the text,
⋅ pasting text.


It replaces both the double and the singles quotes.


Anyway, as I am not a RegEx expert at all, please feel free to comment if you notice a behaviour that may be unwanted, or a way to improve the expressions.