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更新时间:2023-02-23 18:19:45



  //这可以是任何Date String 
var str =Fri Feb 08 2013 09:47:57 GMT +0530(IST);
var date = new Date(str);

然后,您可以访问所有Date函数( MDN


  var day = date.getDate(); //本月的日期:我们的例子中的2 
var month = date.getMonth(); //年度月份:0个索引,所以在我们的例子中有1个
var year = date.getFullYear()//年份:2013

I have a datetime string generated by system. Ex: Fri Feb 08 2013 09:47:57 GMT +0530 (IST) I need to extract the date (02/08/2013) and Time (09:47 am) and store it in two variables. Is there an efficient way to do it using Javascript?

Edit: I have written the following code.

var day = elementDate.getDate(); //Date of the month: 2 in our example
            var monthNo = elementDate.getMonth(); //Month of the Year: 0-based index, so 1 in our example
            var monthDesc = {'0':'January', '1':'February'}; //, "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
            var year = elementDate.getFullYear() //Year: 2013
            var hours = elementDate.getHours();
            var mins = elementDate.getMinutes();
            var lDateValue = (year.toString() + "-" + monthNo.toString() + "-" + day.toString());

document.getElementById("lDate").value = lDateValue;

I have this in my HTML:

<input type="date" name="name" id="lDate" class="custom" value=""/>
                <input type="time" name="name" id="lTime" class="custom" value=""  />

The fields are not getting updated. Am I missing something?

The Date constructor is very good at creating dates from strings:

Use the following:

// This could be any Date String
var str = "Fri Feb 08 2013 09:47:57 GMT +0530 (IST)";
var date = new Date(str);

This will then give you access to all the Date functions (MDN)

For example:

var day = date.getDate(); //Date of the month: 2 in our example
var month = date.getMonth(); //Month of the Year: 0-based index, so 1 in our example
var year = date.getFullYear() //Year: 2013