
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-23 21:53:53


So the issue is this: when you click on those links (the save or delete), you don't actually tell the server what it is you are updating. The link has no means of knowing, in and of itself, what fields it is sending, or whether they have been updated, or anything. You are doing something dynamic on the page, and in this case, that will mean scripting.


It is an order of magnitude more complex than what you have done with the toggle thing, so be warned -- you have just jumped in at the deep end. I have started building something that will show you how it could be done, but this is by no means complete, or accurate. We don't know what your php is really doing by the snapshot you have given us.


Here is a code block I've built, simply as a prototype. I'll describe it in deeper detail below:

  let updateTeamUrl = "SET_THIS_TO_THE_UPDATE_URL";

  // We'll also save these as references to all the action buttons.
  let actionItems = {
    editBtn: $(".btnEdit"),
    saveBtn: $(".save-btn"),
    deleteBtn: $(".btnDelete")
  // Here we assign the actions to the various buttons/anchors
  actionItems.editBtn.on("click", toggleEdit);
  actionItems.saveBtn.on("click", saveTeam);
  actionItems.deleteBtn.on("click", confirmDelete)

  // Below are the actions we assign above, or support functions for them

   * toggleEdit() is triggered when the "Edit" button is clicked. This
   *   hides the team name text element, and displays the editable field.
  function toggleEdit(event){
    let teamContainer = $(this).closest("tr");

   * saveTeam() crawls up the DOM tree to the closest "tr" node, and gets
   *  the custom "data-teamid" attribute there. Using that, we can create
   *  a JSON object that we will send to the backend.
  function saveTeam(event){

    let clickedEl = $(this),
        teamContainer = clickedEl.closest("tr"),
        teamNameEl = teamContainer.find(".editshow");
    let payloadToSend = {
      // We need a mechanism to identify what team we're updating
      teamId: teamContainer.data("teamid"),
      // This will eventually hold any and all updates.
      updates: {
        /* We'll create this empty, and fill it as we need.*/

    // I created a data attribute on the input, "data-original", and
    //  set it to the same value as the input. By comparing these, we
    //  can see if an input has, in fact, been updated.
    if(teamNameEl.data("original") !== teamNameEl.val() ){
       * The only thing we are updating in this pass is the team name.
       *  So we can update our "payload", then simply send the post request.
      payloadToSend.updates.name = teamNameEl.val();

       * When we POST, we need a URL and a string we'll send. 
       *  What we'll do is take the payload, and run it through
       *  JSON.stringify() to convert it to a string.
       *  Then, when we call $.post(), we can also add a .done() and
       *  .fail() handler. These will run when the save is complete,
       *  or when it fails.
      let postRequest = $.post(UpdateTeamUrl, JSON.stringify(payloadToSend) )
                console.log("Update succeeded: "+returnedData)
                console.error("Update had an error: "+error)
  } // end saveTeam();

  function confirmDelete(event){
    let clickedEl = $(this),
        teamContainer = clickedEl.closest("tr"),
        teamId = teamContainer.data("teamid"),
        teamName = teamContainer.find("[name='edit_teams']").val();

    if(confirm("are you sure you want to delete the team "+teamId+": "+teamName+"?") ){
    } else {
      console.log("false alarm.")


Also, the HTML to support this needs to change a little: the <tr> gets a data attribute data-teamid, the <input> gets a data attribute data-original, and the form element that wrapped the input has been removed. Here's the HTML (without the PHP to construct it):

    <tr data-teamid="1">
        <a href='#' class='editable' style='margin-left: 2px;'>Team Name</a>: <input type='text' class='editshow form-control col-sm-3' aria-label='Sizing example input' aria-describedby='inputGroup-sizing-sm' name='edit_teams' data-original='Team Name' value='Team Name'> <a href='teams.php?save_tid={$tid}' style='margin-left: 2px; margin-top:3px;' class='btn btn-success btn-sm editshow save-btn'>Save</a>
        <button  class='btn btn-primary btn-sm btnEdit team-1'>Edit</button> | <a href='#' class='btn btn-danger btn-sm btnDelete'>Delete</a>


As I've said, this is getting pretty complex.


First, I moved all your "actions" into a javascript object. If I add other actions, I simply update them there. Then I attach listeners using .on(...) for each action I want to handle: edit, save and delete. For each of these, I wrote a function that will handle the action itself: toggleEdit(...) for the edit, saveTeam(...) for the save, and confirmDelete for the delete. Each action is self-contained, making editing a little easier.


The toggleEdit(...) is almost exactly what you had before. I don't think I changed much in that one, so it should look pretty familiar.

saveTeam(...)是您现在要问的那个,它很复杂.首先,我们将DOM树爬回到<tr>,并使用.data("teamid")获取我们正在编辑的团队的ID.然后,我们开始创建一个JavaScript对象,我称之为payloadToSend.在此,我们有一个属性teamId和一个嵌套对象updates.接下来,我们检查文本输入是否已更新(通过将其值与我添加的data-original属性进行比较).如果没有更改,我们不需要更新.如果它,那么我们通过在payloadToSend.updates对象中添加name来更新payloadToSend,然后使用$.post(...)实际发送POST请求. $ .post()需要一个URL和一些数据.我们将发送payloadToSend对象作为该数据,该数据应在PHP中显示为$_REQUEST$_POST.此外,$.post(...)包括两个条件回调.done(...).fail(...),以及一个绝对"回调.always(...)

The saveTeam(...) is the one you're asking about now, and it is the complex bit. First, we climb back up the DOM tree to the <tr>, and use .data("teamid") to get the id of the team we're editing. Then we start creating a javascript Object, which I've called payloadToSend. In this, we have an attribute teamId, and a nested object updates. Next, we check to see if the text input has been updated (by comparing its value with that data-original attribute I added). If it hasn't changed, we don't need to update. If it has, then we update the payloadToSend by adding name to the payloadToSend.updates object, and we use $.post(...) to actually send the POST request. $.post() takes a URL and some data. We'll send the payloadToSend object as that data, which should show up in php as either $_REQUEST or $_POST. In addition, the $.post(...) includes two conditional callbacks, .done(...) and .fail(...), and one "absolute" callback, .always(...)


.done(...) runs when the server-side request has returned with a successful complete, and .fail(...) handles a back-end failure with an error message. In either case, though, we .always(...) want to hide the editable and show the team name again.


At this point, the confirmDelete action doesn't do anything more than get that same teamId, and pop up a basic confirmation dialog. The delete action is quite a bit more than that, and beyond the scope of your original question.