
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-25 14:21:42


One approach is to retrieve the results into a structure that is not dependent upon the order that the results come in i.e. a dictionary.


So, you could do something like:

let syncQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "...")      // use dispatch_queue_create() in Swift 2

let group = DispatchGroup()                      // use dispatch_group_create() in Swift 2

var results = [String: [Message]]()

for date in datesToDisplay {
    group.enter()                                // use dispatch_group_enter in Swift 2
    getMessages(for: date) { messages in
        syncQueue.async {                        // use dispatch_async in Swift 2
            results[date] = messages
            group.leave()                        // use dispatch_group_leave in Swift 2

group.notify(queue: .main) {                     // use dispatch_group_notify in Swift 2
    syncQueue.sync {                             // use dispatch_sync in Swift 2
        // update your model with `results` here
    // trigger UI update here


Personally, I'd just stick with the dictionary structure for the results.


For example, if I wanted to get the third entry ("3 October"), it would be

let oct3Messages = modelDictionary[datesToDisplay[2]]


But if you really feel compelled to convert it back to an array of the original order, you can do that:

group.notify(queue: .main) {
    syncQueue.sync {
        self.retrieveModel = self.datesToDisplay.map { results[$0]! }
    // trigger UI update here


Now, I made a few subtle changes here. For example, I added a completion handler to getMessagesForDate, so I'd know when the request was done, and I pass the results back in that closure. You want to avoid updating model objects asynchronously and you want to know when everything is done, and I use a dispatch group to coordinate that. I also am using a synchronization queue to coordinate the updates to the results to ensure thread-safety.


But I don't want you to get lost in those details. The key point is that you should simply want to use a structure that is not dependent upon the order that objects are retrieved. Then, either retrieve directly from that unordered dictionary (using your ordered datesToDisplay as the key), or convert it to an ordered array.


In the interest of full disclosure, we should say that it may be more complicated than I suggest here. For example, if your asynchronous getMessagesForDate is just using a global queue, you might want to do something to constrain how many of these run concurrently.


And you might also want to benchmark this against performing these requests sequentially, because while the database may run on a background thread, it might not be able to run multiple requests concurrent with respect to each other (often, the database will synchronize its queries), so you might be going through more work than necessary.