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更新时间:2023-02-25 14:34:24

您可以通过使用标签标签来完成: $ p> < option value =the_valuelabel =显示的文字>隐藏文字< / option>

Is it possible in a html select, to display the value of the option instead of the text?

It's gonna be used for displaying a long disription in the dropdown, but when selecting it should only be showing a short text/ the value of the option.


    <option value="1">This is a long long text, that explains option 1</option>
    <option value="2">This is a long long text, that explains option 2</option>

Now the selected item, when you leave the dropdown/combobox/whatever, should only display '1'

You can do it by using the label tag:

<option value="the_value" label="the text displayed">the hidden text</option>