
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-25 16:54:40


You have already got a Model that your view is strongly typed with. All you need to do is, add a change event on dropdown list (for more information see referred link below). On change event, you can load the values as per selected value e.g. if Berry is selected you will need to fetch corresponding values for Berry i.e Grape, Avocado.


You can load values using JavaScript which is useful when you have large set of data. Or you can preload the view with all the data and in that case, you just need to filter the answers based on question selected on UI.

有关如何在实践中实现这一点帮助,请参阅层叠的DropDownList在MVC 4 。您可以根据您的需要类似的例子。

For help on how to achieve this in practice please refer Cascading DropDownList In MVC 4. You can find similar example based on your needs.