
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-26 15:15:24


This is a common problem in image processing. There are many variations, such as flood filling a region in an image, or finding what pixels belong to the same region. One common approach is to use depth first search. The idea is that you traverse your image from left to right and top to bottom and for any pixels encountered that are equal to 1, you add them to a stack. For each pixel in your stack, you pop off the stack, then look at the neighbouring pixels that are surrounding this pixel. Any pixels that are 1 you add to the stack. You need to keep an additional variable where any pixels you have already visited, you don't add these to the stack. When the stack is empty, we have found those pixels that are an entire region, so you mark these with a unique ID. You then repeat this procedure until you run out of regions in your image.

因此​​,考虑到你的矩阵存储在 A ,这是基本的算法:

As such, given that your matrix is stored in A, this is the basic algorithm:

  1. 初始化数组是这样的尺寸 A 逻辑相同。这将记录哪些像素我们检查或视察。同时初始化输出数组 B 来,让你所有你正​​在寻找连接组件的全部为零。那到底是零的任何位置不属于任何连接的组件。同时初始化跟踪的内容连接组件标签的每一项都会有一个ID计数器。

  1. Initialize an array that's the same size as A that is logical. This will record which pixels we have examined or visited. Also initialize an output array B to all zeroes that gives you all of the connected components that you are seeking. Any locations that are zero in the end don't belong to any connected components. Also initialize an ID counter that keeps track of what connected component label each of these will have.


For each location that's in our matrix:

一个。如果位置 0 ,所访问,并继续庆祝这一位置。

a. If the location is 0, mark this location as visited and continue.


b. If we have already visited this location, then continue.


c. If we have not visited this location... go to Step #3.


Add this unvisited location to a stack.


a. While this stack is not empty...



c. If we have visited this location, then continue.


d. Else, mark this location as visited and mark this location with the connected components ID.


e. Given this location, look at the 8 neighbouring pixels.


f. Remove those pixels in this list that have been visited, not equal to 1 or out of bounds of the matrix


g. Whatever locations are remaining, add these to the stack.


Once the stack is empty, increment the counter, then go back to Step #2.


Keep going until we have visited all of the locations in our array.


Without further ado, here's the code.

%// Step #1
visited = false(size(A));
[rows,cols] = size(A);
B = zeros(rows,cols);
ID_counter = 1;

%// For each location in your matrix...
for row = 1 : rows
    for col = 1 : cols
        %// If this location is not 1, mark as visited and continue
        if A(row,col) == 0
            visited(row,col) = true;

        %// If we have visited, then continue
        elseif visited(row,col)

        %// Else...
            %// Initialize your stack with this location
            stack = [row col];

            %// While your stack isn't empty...
            while ~isempty(stack)
                %// Pop off the stack
                loc = stack(1,:);
                stack(1,:) = [];

                %// If we have visited this location, continue
                if visited(loc(1),loc(2))

                %// Mark location as true and mark this location to be
                %// its unique ID
                visited(loc(1),loc(2)) = true;
                B(loc(1),loc(2)) = ID_counter;

                %// Look at the 8 neighbouring locations
                [locs_y, locs_x] = meshgrid(loc(2)-1:loc(2)+1, loc(1)-1:loc(1)+1);
                locs_y = locs_y(:);
                locs_x = locs_x(:);

                %// Get rid of those locations out of bounds
                out_of_bounds = locs_x < 1 | locs_x > rows | locs_y < 1 | locs_y > cols;

                locs_y(out_of_bounds) = [];
                locs_x(out_of_bounds) = [];

                %// Get rid of those locations already visited
                is_visited = visited(sub2ind([rows cols], locs_x, locs_y));

                locs_y(is_visited) = [];
                locs_x(is_visited) = [];

                %// Get rid of those locations that are zero.
                is_1 = A(sub2ind([rows cols], locs_x, locs_y));
                locs_y(~is_1) = [];
                locs_x(~is_1) = [];

                %// Add remaining locations to the stack
                stack = [stack; [locs_x locs_y]];

            %// Increment counter once complete region has been examined
            ID_counter = ID_counter + 1;

随着你的榜样矩阵,这是我得到 B

B =

     1     1     0     0     0     0     0
     1     1     0     0     2     2     0
     1     1     0     0     0     2     0
     1     1     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     3     0
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0