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WPF 内存使用情况

更新时间:2023-02-26 15:24:22

冒着被 glib 的风险,你有内存泄漏.为什么不试试像 ANTS* 这样的工具来追踪它.他们有免费试用版,我没用过,但口碑不错.

At the risk of being glib, you have a memory leak. Why not try a tool like ANTS* to track it down. They have a free trial, I've never used it but it has a good reputation.



If you don't want to get to grips with another tool, you can try something like incrementing a static member every time a class is created and decrementing it every time an instance is disposed. This will help you track down instances that are not be destroyed properly.