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更新时间:2023-02-26 18:04:57


Merge sort works by splitting the unsorted data down into individual elements, a single element being considered sorted, and merging them back together in progrssively larger sorted chunks.


The b array is the 'work bench' in your implementation and, at the end of each iteration (recursion in your example), holds the result of the work done that iteration. The split is peformed by copying the left and right sides of the unsorted array into the b array.


In order to build the merged result as you come 'back up' from splitting the array, you need to rebuild the result from the components, which is done by copying the sorted chunk back over it's unsorted original.


The copy can be avoided if the recursion is changed so that the direction of the merge (left to right or right to left / low to high or high to low) corresponds with the level of the recursion. Full copy-in-place merge sort, without the b array, is a more complicated alogrithm.