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在 jQuery Mobile 1.1 中为使用 PhoneGap 构建的 iPhone 应用程序加速页面转换?

更新时间:2023-02-26 22:18:46


I use a couple of methods which together produce a quite satisfactory result.

1) Energize.js - https://github.com/davidcalhoun/energize.js 消除所有点击/点击的点击延迟

1) Energize.js - https://github.com/davidcalhoun/energize.js removes tap delay on all clicks/taps

2) 在您的 jQM 启动中添加:

2) In your jQM initiation add:

$.mobile.buttonMarkup.hoverDelay = 0;

3, 4 &5)使用

3, 4 & 5) Use

$( "#YourPage" ).delegate("#YourButton", 'tap', function(event) {
        $.mobile.changePage( "YourPage", { transition: "slide"} );                                               
        return false;
        } );  

3) 而不是使用普通的锚链接,然后 jQM 将其转换为 mobile.changePage - 自己做这部分并(可能)减少几毫秒

3) Instead of using a normal anchor link which jQM then converts to a mobile.changePage - Do that part yourself and (potentially) shave off a few ms

4) 委托它点击而不是点击(尽管有 energize.js 我看不出有什么区别)

4) Delegate it to tap instead of click (although with energize.js present I can't tell any difference)

5) 在开始传输之前显示加载消息.如果您要导航到的站点很复杂,则生成可能需要一段时间,如果您显示加载消息,至少用户知道发生了一些事情

5) Show a loading message before you start transferring. If the the site you are navigating to is complicated it might take a while to generate, if you display a loading message, at least the user knows something is happening

6) 使用

$.mobile.loadPage( "YourPage" );


This might be a bit overkill due to overlap but hopefully using these techniques you'll be able to make your app a bit more responsive!

编辑 - 奖励:这是一篇博客文章,其中涵盖了加速 PhoneGap jQuery Mobile 应用程序的其他三种技术:http://therockncoder.blogspot.no/2012/06/three-quick-performance-tips-for.html

EDIT - Bonus: Here's a blog post which covers three other techniques for speeding up PhoneGap jQuery Mobile apps: http://therockncoder.blogspot.no/2012/06/three-quick-performance-tips-for.html