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更新时间:2023-02-27 08:33:46

您可以使用模式匹配从列表中获取两个值并进行比较。 b

  fn :: Int  - > [Int]  - > Int 
fn y(x1:x2:xs)| y == x2 = x1
|否则= fn y(x2:xs)
fn _ _ = -1

注意我的最后一种情况 - 这是失败的情况,当您无法匹配(x1:x2:xs)

或者:(x1:x2:xs)也可以拼写为(x1:xs @(x2:_))。后一种模式比较复杂,但可以让你这样做:

  fn :: Int  - > [Int]  - > Int 
fn y(x1:xs @(x2:_))| y == x2 = x1
|否则= fn y xs
fn _ _ = -1

而不是重新加入 x2 xs 来进行递归。


$ b!
$ b


请注意,更多的多态形式 Eq a => a - > [a] - >一个。这只是对类型签名的改变

  fn :: Eq a => a  - > [a]  - > a 

这可让您与其他人一起使用 fn 有用的类型,即 fn'#'我是#1!给出'1'

此处更好的返回值可能是 Maybe Int (或者也许a $>在多态形式中),因为你将有一些列表不包含搜索词。

  fn ::公式a => a  - > [a]  - >也许是
fn y(x1:xs @(x2:_))| y == x2 =只需x1
|否则= fn y xs
fn _ _ = Nothing

I am quite new to haskell and was tasked with creating a function that takes an int and a list of ints, the function would find the inputted ints position and return the value prior to it, ex fn 5 [1,2,3,4,5,6] would return 4. I'm having many problems getting started. First off I keep getting Variable is not in scope errors.

fn' ::Int->[Int]->Int
fn' y [] = -1
fn' y (x:xs)
    |y = (head listail) = x 
    |otherwise = listail
    where listail = fn' y (tail)xs

Where should I start looking at, and in general are there other things I should or shouldn't do?

Adams code error

main.hs:3:31: error:

• Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘[Int]’
• In the expression: fn y x2 : xs
  In an equation for ‘fn’:
      fn y (x1 : x2 : xs)
        | y == x2 = x1
        | otherwise = fn y x2 : xs
main.hs:3:36: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[Int]’ with actual type ‘Int’
• In the second argument of ‘fn’, namely ‘x2’
  In the first argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘fn y x2’
  In the expression: fn y x2 : xs
<interactive>:3:1: error:
• Variable not in scope: main
• Perhaps you meant ‘min’ (imported from Prelude)

You can use pattern matching to grab out two values from the list and compare them.

fn :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
fn y (x1:x2:xs) | y == x2 = x1
                | otherwise = fn y (x2:xs)
fn _ _ = -1

Note my last case -- this is the fail case, when you can't match the pattern (x1:x2:xs).

Alternatively: (x1:x2:xs) could also be spelled (x1:xs@(x2:_)). The latter pattern is more complicated to read, but lets you do:

fn :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
fn y (x1:xs@(x2:_)) | y == x2 = x1
                    | otherwise = fn y xs
fn _ _ = -1

rather than re-joining x2 and xs to recurse.

Try it online!

As gallais points out in the comments:

Note that this function can take the more polymorphic form Eq a => a -> [a] -> a. This is just a change to the type signature

fn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> a

This lets you use fn with other useful types, i.e. fn '#' "I'm #1!" gives '1'

Also a better return value here might be a Maybe Int (or a Maybe a in the polymorphic form), since you'll have some lists that don't contain the search term.

fn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
fn y (x1:xs@(x2:_)) | y == x2 = Just x1
                    | otherwise = fn y xs
fn _ _ = Nothing