
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-27 10:27:22


Here is an example GUI:

function rotationGUI()
    %# read image
    I = imread('cameraman.tif');

    %# setup GUI
    hFig = figure('menu','none');
    hAx = axes('Parent',hFig);
    uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Style','slider', 'Value',0, 'Min',0,...
        'Max',360, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./360, ...
        'Position',[150 5 300 20], 'Callback',@slider_callback) 
    hTxt = uicontrol('Style','text', 'Position',[290 28 20 15], 'String','0');

    %# show image
    imshow(I, 'Parent',hAx)

    %# Callback function
    function slider_callback(hObj, eventdata)
        angle = round(get(hObj,'Value'));        %# get rotation angle in degrees
        imshow(imrotate(I,angle), 'Parent',hAx)  %# rotate image
        set(hTxt, 'String',num2str(angle))       %# update text


If you prefer to build the GUI in GUIDE, follow these steps:

  • 创建GUI,并添加必要的组件:轴,滑块,静态文本(拖放)

  • create GUI, and add necessary components: axis, slider, static text (drag-and-drop)

使用属性检查器",根据需要更改滑块属性:: Min/Max/Value/SliderStep.如果您分配一个Tag以便能够在代码中查找组件,这也将有所帮助.

Using the "Property Inspector", change slider properties as required:: Min/Max/Value/SliderStep. Also would help if you assign a Tag to be able to find components in the code.


In the figure's xxxx_OpeningFcn function, read and store the image in the handles structure, then show it:

    handles.I = imread('cameraman.tif');
    imshow(I, 'Parent',findobj(hObject,'Tag','imgAxis'))  %# use tag you assigned
    guidata(hObject, handles);         %# Update handles structure

  • 为您的滑块创建一个回调事件处理程序,并添加代码:

    angle = round( get(hObject,'Value') );
    imshow( imrotate(handles.I,angle) )


Image rotation is an affine transformation which maps the position (x,y) of input image pixels onto new coordinates (x2,y2) for the output image. The problem is that the output coordinates may not always be integers. Since digital images are represented on a grid of discrete pixels, thus some form of resampling/interpolation is employed (which is why straight lines might look jagged when rotated at certain angles).
