
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-10 05:03:05

更新:自从Google I / O 2016以来,Firebase已经有了一些重大更新。以下是与旧服务相关的信息。


Update: Since Google I/O 2016 there have been some major updates to Firebase. Below is information related to the legacy service.

Firebase team member here.


Firebase is a platform for mobile and web apps.


There's three main services to Firebase:

  • 实时数据库

  • 身份验证

  • 静态托管

要编写Android应用程序,您需要下载Android SDK。如果您使用的是Android Studio 1.4,则可以转到文件>设置Firebase。项目结构>云。然后点击Firebase复选框。

For writing an Android app you need to download the Android SDK. If you have Android Studio 1.4 you can setup Firebase by going to File > Project Structure > Cloud. Then click the Firebase checkbox.


Every Firebase app has a name, and that is used to in a URL to access your database. Data is stored in Firebase in JSON. Each piece has a URL mapped to its location. To get or save data to that location you create a Firebase reference.

// Create a reference to the Firebase database
Firebase ref = new Firebase("https:<MY-FIREBASE-APP>.firebaseio.com/data");
// Save Data
// Sync data
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
    public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
        System.out.println("The read failed: " + firebaseError.getMessage());


Firebase SDK很好保存和检索数据,但它与Android SDK组件无关,如 ListAdapter s。为此,您可以使用 FirebaseUI库


The Firebase SDK is good at saving and retrieving data, but it is agnostic of Android SDK components like ListAdapters. For that you can use the FirebaseUI library.

FirebaseUI允许您快速将常用UI元素连接到Firebase数据库以进行数据存储。以下是使用FirebaseUI和 FirebaseListAdapter 的示例。

FirebaseUI allows you to quickly connect common UI elements to the Firebase database for data storage. Below is an example of using FirebaseUI with a FirebaseListAdapter.

mAdapter = new FirebaseListAdapter<ChatMessage>(this, ChatMessage.class, android.R.layout.two_line_list_item, ref) {
    protected void populateView(View view, ChatMessage chatMessage) {


这只是一切的要点。 Firebase 文档非常全面(如果我这样做,和人类可读)我自己)。

That's just the gist of everything. The documentation of Firebase is pretty comprehensive (and human readable if I do so myself).