
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-08 22:32:28


Matrix multiplication of logical matrices or vectors is not supported in MATLAB. That is the reason why you are getting that error. You need to convert your matrix into double or another valid numeric input before attempting to do that operation. Therefore, do something like this:

rnd_mat = double(rnd_mat); %// Cast to double
row1 = rnd_mat(1,:);
result = row1.'*row1;

您实质上要计算的是两个向量的外积.如果要避免强制转换为double,请考虑使用 bsxfun 为您代劳:

What you are essentially computing is the outer product of two vectors. If you want to avoid casting to double, consider using bsxfun to do the job for you instead:

result = bsxfun(@times, row1.', row1);


This way, you don't need to cast your matrix before doing the outer product. Remember, the outer product of two vectors is simply an element-wise multiplication of two matrices where one matrix is consists of a row vector where each row is a copy of the row vector while the other matrix is a column vector, where each column is a copy of the column vector.


bsxfun automatically broadcasts each row vector and column vector so that we produce two matrices of compatible dimensions, and performs an element by element multiplication, thus producing the outer product.