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如何查找/检测Python AST中是否使用了内置函数?

更新时间:2023-11-08 22:32:22


When you write eval(whatever) in your code, eval is looked up by an ordinary global variable lookup. You should look for an ast.Name node representing a use of the variable name eval:

for node in ast.walk(ex_ast):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id == 'eval':
        # Found it.


Since you have an actual function object, not just the source code, you can also check for variables that shadow the built-in in a slightly more reliable manner than if you just had the function's source:

if ('eval' in foo.__code__.co_varnames     # local variable
    or 'eval' in foo.__code__.co_cellvars  # local variable used by nested function
    or 'eval' in foo.__code__.co_freevars  # local variable from enclosing function
    or 'eval' in foo.__globals__):         # global variable
    # Some variable is shadowing the built-in.

这将不会捕获在检查后添加的全局变量,并且不会对使用其他名称(例如,x = eval; x('whatever'))访问内置对象进行任何操作.值得吗?

This won't catch globals added after the check, and it won't do anything about accesses to the built-in by a different name (for example, x = eval; x('whatever')). Whether it's worthwhile is up to you.