
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-10 11:47:10

感谢您使用 的Vim的Windows 希望您能喜欢。


Thanks for using Vim for Windows, hope you enjoy.

要解决你的问题,你必须使用 .clang_complete 文件。了解更多关于它:H clang_complete 。简单地说,你可以把这个文件到您的任何项目的根目录下(即每个项目这个文件可以是不同的,什么完美的是有道理的,因为不同的项目有不同的工具链配置)。这里是MinGW的-W64工具链样本:

To solve your problem you have to utilize .clang_complete file. Read more about it in :h clang_complete. In brief, you can put this file into the root directory of any of your projects (i.e. for each project this file can be different, what perfectly makes sense, since different projects have different toolchain configurations). Here is the sample for MinGW-w64 toolchain:





"-ID:/Libraries/x64/MinGW-w64/4.8.1/Example with Spaces/0.0.1/include"



当您正在编辑与vim项目的一些文件, clang_complete ,直到它跨越第一 .clang_complete 文件中读取。然后,它读取所有这些标志/开关/定义和 libclang 的完成调用过程中使用它们。

When you are editing some file in the project with Vim, clang_complete traverses backward all the parent directories of the edited file until it stumbles across the first .clang_complete file to read. Then it reads all these flags/switches/definitions and uses them during the invocation of libclang for completion.

这些天来,我不使用 clang_complete 了。还有更强大的语义自动完成插件的Vim我们那里。它的 YouCompleteMe 。我强烈建议你尝试一下。对于C家族语言语义完成(C / C ++ / Objective-C的/的Objective-C ++),它使用 libclang 为好。它依赖于一个强大的C ++后端,因此是令人难以置信的快速。它有 syntastic (另一个必须有插件VIM)大整合。它有跳转到定义的能力,等等​​。

These days, I don't use clang_complete anymore. There is more powerful semantic autocompletion plugin for Vim our there. It's YouCompleteMe. I highly recommend you try it out. For semantic completion of C-family languages (C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++) it uses libclang as well. It relies on a robust C++ back end, and is therefore incredibly fast. It has great integration with syntastic (another must have plugin for Vim). It has an ability to jump to definitions, and so on.

由于它是用C ++编写,并通过Python粘Vim的,你必须编译C ++后端。为了减轻你可以下载prebuilt的痛苦,并准备使用YCM插件从我的的Vim YouCompleteMe为Windows 。我已经建立了这两个x86和x64架构。本机组件是名为 ycm_core.pyd 。像往常一样,Vim的体系结构构建您选择具有相匹配的YCM版本(即 ycm_core.pyd )。 YCM可以工作的与Python 2(未3),所以只要确保你有Python的2 DLL(如 python27.dll )和Python 2国际米兰preTER( python.exe )的 PATH 环境变量。

Since it's written in C++ and glued to Vim via Python, you'd have to compile the C++ back end. To ease the pain you can download prebuilt and ready to use YCM plugin from my Vim YouCompleteMe for Windows. I've built it for both x86 and x64 architectures. The native component is called ycm_core.pyd. As usual the architecture of the Vim build you chose has to match the YCM build (i.e. ycm_core.pyd). YCM can work ONLY with Python 2 (not 3), so just make sure that you have Python 2 DLL (e.g. python27.dll) and Python 2 Interpreter (python.exe) in the PATH environment variable.

如果您需要LLVM / Clang的,你可以从我这里下载以及 LLVM用于Windows 。同样,只要确保你有 libclang.dll PATH 环境变量(推荐)旁边的 ycm_core.pyd 。再次x86和x64体系结构的支持,并再次架构应该同时匹配Vim的和YCM的人。

If you need LLVM/Clang, you can download it from me as well: LLVM for Windows. Again, just make sure that you have libclang.dll in the PATH environment variable (recommended) OR right next to ycm_core.pyd. Once again both x86 and x64 architectures are supported, and once again the architecture should match both Vim's and YCM's ones.



Should he magically find where is the STL?

当然不是!这仅仅是基于锵前端的自动完成系统。它是如何应该知道您目前使用编译你的code哪些工具链?你可以使用任何内容:VISUAL C ++,用Borland C ++,GCC,MinGW的,MinGW的-W64,LLVM /锵等,他们每个人都有自己的标准库和运行时提供。因此,在每种情况下你必须指定你目前使用的工具链找到标准包含了所有的路径。

Of course not! This is just an autocompletion system based on Clang front end. How is it supposed to know which toolchain you're currently using to compile your code? You could use anything: Visual C++, Borland C++, GCC, MinGW, MinGW-w64, LLVM/Clang, etc. Each of them has their own standard library and runtime supplied. Thus, in each case you'd have to specify all the paths which your current toolchain uses to find standard includes.


For example, in case of GCC, MinGW, MinGW-w64, you can run the following in POSIX shell:

g++ -E -x c++ - -v < /dev/null


Or in Windows Command Prompt:

g++ -E -x c++ - -v < nul


#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.


This tells you all the paths to standard includes which GCC, MinGW, MinGW-w64 use implicitly during compilation of your code.

有关LLVM / Clang的,你可以这样做:

For LLVM/Clang, you can do the same:

clang++ -E -x c++ - -v < /dev/null


clang++ -E -x c++ - -v < nul

当你知道的路径,你可以愉快地将它们添加到 .ycm_extra_conf.py 。举例来说,在我的情况:

When you know the paths, you can happily add them into .ycm_extra_conf.py. For instance, in my case:
