
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-17 21:50:10

您所有的观察和假设都是正确的. Arifactory远程存储库是懒惰的代理,仅在需要时才下载工件. 复制可以预填充缓存,但是它需要双方都配备Artifactory实例(因为它使用的是基于校验和的复制算法).

All your observations and assumptions are correct. Arifactory remote repositories are lazy proxies and download the artifacts only on demand. Replication can pre-populate the caches, but it requires Artifactory instances on both sides (because of the checksum-based replication algorithm it uses).


If you're sure you want to pre-populate Artifactory with all the artifacts from those repositories (we don't see this demand justified usually), the easiest way will be to use a web crawler on build the list of all the packages and then issue a HEAD request to those packages via Artifactory.