
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-18 16:19:40

Sharepoint 和 WF 更像是互补的技术,设计为同一生态系统中的两种不同的工作流创作工具.有一个 Sharepoint 工作流设计器和一个 WF (Windows Workflow Foundation) 工作流设计器.

Sharepoint and WF more like complementary technologies, designed as two different workflow authoring tools in the same ecosystem. There's a Sharepoint workflow designer, and a WF (Windows Workflow Foundation) workflow designer.

Sharepoint 设计器旨在提供类似于 Office 的工作流编辑体验,更易于入门,适用于非技术类型,并自动生成所有网络表单.

The Sharepoint designer is meant to be an Office-like workflow editing experience, easier to get started with, geared for non-technical types, and generates all the web forms automatically.

另一方面,WF"工作流设计器实际上是 Visual Studio 的一个组件(默认情况下 - 正如伯尼所说,您可以重新托管它),旨在让程序员能够完全自定义工作流,并将其与所需的任何其他代码/系统.通过使用Sharepoint 活动",以这种方式构建和部署 Sharepoint 站点仍然是可能的,但更加复杂.

The 'WF' workflow designer on the other hand is actually a component of Visual Studio (by default - as Bernie says you can rehost it), and designed to allow programmers to be able to fully customize workflow, and integrate it with any other code/systems desired. Building and deploying sharepoint sites this way is still possible, through the use of 'Sharepoint Activities', but more complex.


If you take the former route, you can hopefully let the administrative types do their own basic customizations (up to the limits of that environment) without causing total chaos.