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更新时间:2023-11-24 12:21:04

学会自己动手: c-tutorial-reading-和写作xml文件 [ ^ ]



XmlReader示例 [ ^ ]



  public  响应
public int status { get ; set ; }
public int 已激活{获取跨度>; set ; }

public response(){}


 XmlSerializer mySerializer =  new  XmlSerializer( typeof运算跨度>(响应)); 
使用(FileStream stream = new FileStream(filepath,FileMode.Open))
return (响应)mySerializer.Deserialize(stream);

3. Linq to sql

使用linq to sql的示例 [ ^ ]

4. XmlDocument

ReadingXml使用XmlDocument [ ^ ]



I would like to know about the reading of XML data returned by the services. The problem is, I have implemented the services and the services are returning the data in XML format.

I want to read that XML and fetch the data.

First Service: Returning Single Value Record


Need to read Status and Activated

Second Service: Returning Multiple Value Records

<![CDATA[ 2014-03-27 02:46:07 ]]>

I need to read ADs and Campaign id values

How can I read this during runtime.

Please provide a code.


Learn to do it yourself: c-tutorial-reading-and-writing-xml-files[^]

1. You could read all the data with like xmlreader.
I don't have experience with that. but maybe this link will help you
XmlReader example[^]

2. you could use Object serialize and deserialize

first object would look like
public class response
    public int status { get; set; }
    public int activated { get; set; }

    public response() { }

and then you could do

XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(response));
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open))
                return (response)mySerializer.Deserialize(stream);

3. Linq to sql
Example using linq to sql[^]

4. XmlDocument
ReadingXml Using XmlDocument[^]

probably there are even more options