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Visual Studio如何将Python模块添加到Intellisense

更新时间:2023-11-25 07:54:16

在将自定义Python模块正确放置在Python目录的"Lib"文件夹下的"site-packages"文件夹中之后,Visual Studio的Intellisense会识别它​​们./p>

例如: /Python27/Lib/site-packages/myPython



How do I add a custom python module to the Visual Studio IntelliSense code completion tool?

Situation: I am working on a python module that references another module that I have saved in /myPython/foo.py.

If I start to type foo.someDef I would like IntelliSense to recognize I am accessing that module and suggest a code completion.

Visual Studio's Intellisense will recognize custom Python modules after they have been properly placed in the "site-packages" folder under the "Lib" folder in Python's directory.

For example: /Python27/Lib/site-packages/myPython

Inside of the folder "myPython", put a plain text file called "__init__.py". Otherwise Intellisense will not recognize your package.

You may also have to click the "Refresh DB" under the Python Environments tab.