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更新时间:2023-11-27 10:03:28

看一看 daniele centamore 对 PHP 的的评论array_splice() 函数,他提供了几个函数来移动非关联数组中的元素.

Take a look at daniele centamore's comment on PHP's array_splice() function, where he provides a couple of functions for moving the elements in an non-associative array.


// $input  (Array) - the array containing the element
// $index (int) - the index of the element you need to move

function moveUp($input,$index) {
      $new_array = $input;

       if((count($new_array)>$index) && ($index>0)){
                 array_splice($new_array, $index-1, 0, $input[$index]);
                 array_splice($new_array, $index+1, 1);

       return $new_array;

function moveDown($input,$index) {
       $new_array = $input;

       if(count($new_array)>$index) {
                 array_splice($new_array, $index+2, 0, $input[$index]);
                 array_splice($new_array, $index, 1);

       return $new_array;

$input = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");

$newinput = moveUp($input, 2);
// $newinput is array("red", "blue", "green", "yellow")

$input = moveDown($newinput, 1);
// $input is array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow")
