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indexPathForCell 从 ios7 开始返回 nil

更新时间:2023-11-29 08:13:28

您查找文本字段的封闭"表格视图单元格的方法很脆弱,因为它假定一个固定的视图层次结构(这似乎在iOS 6 和 iOS 7).

Your approach to find the "enclosing" table view cell of a text field is fragile, because is assumes a fixed view hierarchy (which seems to have changed between iOS 6 and iOS 7).


One possible solution would be to traverse up in the view hierarchy until the table view cell is found:

UIView *view = textField;
while (view != nil && ![view isKindOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]]) {
    view = [view superview];
EditingCell *cell = (EditingCell *)view;


A completely different, but often used method is to "tag" the text field with the row number:

cell.textField.tag = indexPath.row;   // in cellForRowAtIndexPath


and then just use that tag in the text field delegate methods.