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在 MySQL 中使用条件值检查进行约束

更新时间:2023-11-29 13:25:04

根据 文档

对于可以包含 NULL 的列,UNIQUE 索引允许多个 NULL 值.

A UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values for columns that can contain NULL.

因此从 Status 中删除 not null-约束并在 (ContactId,PhoneId,Status) 上添加唯一索引将像您一样工作想要它,如果您使用 null 而不是 0 来表示 inactive 记录.

So removing the not null-constraint from Status and adding a unique index on (ContactId,PhoneId,Status) will work as you want it to, if you use null instead of 0 for inactive records.

如果您不想或不能为您的 Status 列使用 null,请确保 Status=0Status=null 行为相同,或例如也想将 Status=2 视为 active(并强制执行唯一性),您可以添加一个将根据 Status 计算的虚拟列.

If you don't want to or cannot use null for your Status column, want to make sure both Status=0 and Status=null behave identically, or e.g. want to treat Status=2 as active (and enforcing uniqueness) too, you can add a dummy column that will be calculated from Status.

如果您使用的是 MySQL 5.7+,则可以使用生成的列执行此操作:

If you are using MySQL 5.7+, you can do this with a generated column:

  `ContactPhoneId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
  `ContactId` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `PhoneId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `Status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `StatusUnq` tinyint(1) as (if(Status <> 0, 1, null)) stored null,
  constraint unique (ContactId, PhoneId, StatusUnq)

insert into ContactPhone (ContactPhoneId, ContactId, PhoneId, Status)
values (1, 1, 1, 1);
insert into ContactPhone (ContactPhoneId, ContactId, PhoneId, Status)
values (2, 1, 1, 1);
-- Duplicate key error 
insert into ContactPhone (ContactPhoneId, ContactId, PhoneId, Status)
values (3, 1, 1, 0);
insert into ContactPhone (ContactPhoneId, ContactId, PhoneId, Status)
values (4, 1, 1, 0);
update ContactPhone set Status = 1 where ContactPhoneId = 4;
-- Duplicate key error 


Otherwise, you can use a normal column and use triggers to calculate the value of the column, e.g.:

create trigger trbi_contactPhoneUnique before insert on ContactPhone 
for each row
  set new.StatusUnq = if(new.Status <> 0, 1, null);

create trigger trbu_contactPhoneUnique before update on ContactPhone 
for each row
  set new.StatusUnq = if(new.Status <> 0, 1, null);

您当然可以将公式切换为例如if(new.Status <> 0, new.Status, null); 如果您也想允许 Status 的不同值.

You can of course switch the formula to e.g. if(new.Status <> 0, new.Status, null); if you want to allow different values of Status too.