
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-03 12:05:40


The Jupyter notebook extension provided below allows you to highlight ranges of lines in a code cell. Install and enable it as follows:

$ jupyter nbextension install codehighlighter.js --user
$ jupyter nbextension enable codehighlighter --user


Then a button with a lightbulb icon will appear on your Jupyter notebook toolbar. Pressing that button will highlight the selected lines (or, if there is no selection, the current line) in the current code cell.


The highlights will be saved with the notebook (as cell metadata) but will not be automatically enabled when the notebook is (re-)opened. In order to show the saved highlights you must press the Restore highlights button (the one with a bars icon).

], function(
) {
    function load_ipython_extension() {

        var style = document.createElement('style');
        style.type = 'text/css';
        style.innerHTML = '.codehighlighter { background: yellow; }';

        var highlight_code_in_cell = function (cell, from, to) {
            var cm = cell.code_mirror;
            for ( var lineno = from; lineno < to ; ++lineno )
                cm.addLineClass(lineno, 'background', 'codehighlighter');

        var highlight_selected_code = function () {
            var cell = Jupyter.notebook.get_selected_cell();
            var cm = cell.code_mirror;
            var from = cm.getCursor('from');
            var to = cm.getCursor('to');
            var endLine = (to.ch > 0 ? to.line + 1 : to.line);
            highlight_code_in_cell(cell, from.line, endLine);
            if ( ! cell.metadata.codehighlighter )
                cell.metadata.codehighlighter = [];
            cell.metadata.codehighlighter.push([from.line, endLine]);

        var highlight_from_metadata = function() {
            Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().forEach(function(cell) {
                if (cell.metadata.codehighlighter) {
                    cell.metadata.codehighlighter.forEach(function(range) {
                        highlight_code_in_cell(cell, range[0], range[1]);

        function registerAction(action_name, action) {
            var prefix = 'codehighlighter';
            return Jupyter.actions.register(action, action_name, prefix);

        var hilite_code = registerAction('highlight-code', {
                                         icon: 'fa-lightbulb-o',
                                         help    : 'Highlight selected code',
                                         help_index : 'zz',
                                         handler : highlight_selected_code
        var restore_hilites = registerAction('restore-highlights', {
                                         icon: 'fa-bars',
                                         help    : 'Restore highlights',
                                         help_index : 'zz',
                                         handler : highlight_from_metadata

        Jupyter.toolbar.add_buttons_group([hilite_code, restore_hilites]);

    return {
        load_ipython_extension: load_ipython_extension