
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 12:39:04


Your question is too wide to make a detailed answer, but yes, everything of what you're talking about can be solved in a quite easy way.


The problem n.1 is - How do I get the number which the user tapped?


If you mean to know what element is chosen by your UIScrollView at the moment, then it's not a problem: UIScrollView always knows its position (contentOffset), which gives you the easy possibility to define, which object is chosen (which object you're working with) now.


If you mean to know when the user tapped by his finger one of the elements of your "picker view" (UIScrollView), then I would say that the answer to this depends on how you actually represent your data (like if you see one or several elements of your scrollView at a time on your screen). But in any case you can easily solve this by using UITapGestureRecognizer. Smth like:

// add gesture recognizers to the scroll view 
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleSingleTap:)];
[singleTap setNumberOfTapsRequired:1];
[self.yourScrollView addGestureRecognizer:singleTap];
[singleTap release];


And then to scroll it programmatically in your selector you do smth like:

- (void)handleSingleTap:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
    CGPoint pointOfTouch = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.view];
    if ( (pointOfTouch.x > self.rightArrowMin) && (pointOfTouch.x < self.rightArrowMax) ) {
        [scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(lastOffset + self.lengthOfLabel, 0) animated:YES];
    } else if ( (pointOfTouch.x > self.leftArrowMin) && (pointOfTouch.x < self.leftArrowMax) ) {
        [scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(lastOffset - self.lengthOfLabel, 0) animated:YES];


The problem n.2 is - How do I make the scrollview to go round and round - never-ending?


It can be solved if you know the algorithm of calculating the next/previous or random element in the sequence of elements of your scrollView. Basically, I solved this same thing for myself in one of my projects (free app "IJCAI11" in the appStore, there you can see at the work of a datePicker in the details of any chosen conference's day: there is applied the algorithm of infinite scrolling view, the limits I applied later only from design point of view). The scheme I use there is simple, though perhaps a bit weird (before reading ahead, note that in my case I see only one element of scrollView on the screen, when the scrollView is in nonscrolling state):

  1. 我用3个标签创建UIScrollView(以防您一次看到多个元素,根据您的情况,它们可能像5、7,...,2N + 1);
  2. 激活第二个(中间)标签.
  3. 为所有3个(2N + 1)标签分配适当的值.在此步骤中,您的第二个(中间)标签将包含(将显示)默认值的数据.
  4. 当用户向左/向右滚动一步(到位置M_pos)时,您将以标准方式进行操作,因为与中心标签相邻的地方包含正确的数据(M).
  5. 然后,您将这个新的有效值(M)应用于中间标签(该标签将在后台显示,因此用户将不会在屏幕上看到此标签),然后重新计算所有其他标签()...,M-1,M,M + 1,...),包括您的M_pos位置(!).
  6. 在"animated:NO"模式下,您可以将scrollView移到中心位置.在这种情况下,用户什么也看不到,而实际上他的scrollView已从位置M_pos移动到中心位置.所有相邻标签都已经过重新计算,您可以随时重复第4点,从而使用户产生强烈的感觉,他可以使用带有大量元素的scrollView(实际上,您只需要使用3(2N + 1)个标签,每次移动后更改其内容.


A question - Is it possible to make some "selection indicator"?


If I understand this question correctly, then just consider the View/Subview thing and in particular the function addSubview of View class ;)
