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更新时间:2023-12-04 13:35:40

您可以使用PHP的 parse_url( ) 功能分割的网址给你,然后访问路径参数,并得到它的结束:

You can use PHP's parse_url() function to split the URL for you and then access the path parameter and get the end of it:

$r = parse_url($url);
$endofurl = substr($r['path'], strrpos($r['path'], '/'));

这将解析URL,然后采取URL的串子,从开始的最后一个发现的 / 路径。

This will parse the URL and then take a "sub-string" of the URL starting from the last-found / in the path.


You can alternatively use explode('/') as you're currently doing on the path:

$path = explode($r['path']);
$endofurl = $path[count($path) - 1];

更新(使用 strrchr() ,指出了@ x4rf41):结果
获得字符串的结尾,而不是 SUBSTR() + strrpos()是使用更短的方法 strrchr()

UPDATE (using strrchr(), pointed out by @x4rf41):
A shorter method of obtaining the end of the string, opposed to substr() + strrpos() is to use strrchr():

$endofurl = strrchr($r['path'], '/');

如果您利用 parse_url的()的选项参数,你还可以得到的只是路径的使用 PHP_URL_PATH
$ R = parse_url($网址,PHP_URL_PATH);

If you take advantage of parse_url()'s option parameters, you can also get just the path by using PHP_URL_PATH like $r = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);


$endofurl = strrchr(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');