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Python 列表、csv、重复删除

更新时间:2023-12-04 22:16:46

删除重复项的标准方法是转换为 set.

The standard way to remove duplicates is to convert to a set.

但是我认为您阅读文件的方式有些问题.第一个问题:它不是一个 csv 文件(前两个字段之间有一个冒号).其次是什么

However I think there's some stuff wrong with the way you're reading the file. First problem: it isn't a csv file (you have a colon between the first two fields). Second what is

gene = lines[0]
sample = lines[11].split(",")
repeat = lines[8]



If I was writing this I would replace the ":" with another ",". So with this modification and using a dictionary of sets your code would look something like:

# Read in csv file and convert to list of list of entries. Use with so that 
# the file is automatically closed when we are done with it
csvlines = []
with open("CSV-sorted.csv") as f:
    for line in f:
        # Use strip() to clean up trailing whitespace, use split() to split
        # on commas.
        a = [entry.strip() for entry in line.split(',')]

# I'll print it here so you can see what it looks like:

# Next up: converting our list of lists to a dict of sets.

# Create empty dict
sample_dict = {}

# Fill in the dict
for line in csvlines:
    gene = line[0] # gene is first entry
    samples = set(line[1:]) # rest of the entries are samples

    # If this gene is in the dict already then join the two sets of samples
    if gene in sample_dict:
        sample_dict[gene] = sample_dict[gene].union(samples)

    # otherwise just put it in
        sample_dict[gene] = samples

# Now you can print the dictionary:


[['AHCTF1', 'Sample1', 'Sample2', 'Sample4'], ['AHCTF1', 'Sample2', 'Sample7', 'Sample12'], ['AHCTF1', 'Sample5', 'Sample6', 'Sample7']]
{'AHCTF1': {'Sample12', 'Sample1', 'Sample2', 'Sample5', 'Sample4', 'Sample7', 'Sample6'}}


where the second line is your dictionary.