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如何在ClearCase UCM中删除文件?

更新时间:2023-12-05 18:38:34

如果看到错误消息 已结帐,则表示需要在shell中执行命令:

If you see that error message "has checkouts", you need to do the command in a shell:

cd /path/to/view/your/view/path/to/parent/folder
cleartool rmname -force yourfile
cleartool checkin -nc .


  • "Delete file from ClearCase checked out on another branch", and
  • The IBM technote "About cleartool rmname and checkouts".

OP Tony Eastwood 报告do-delete-a-file-in-clearcase-ucm / 20048582?noredirect = 1#comment29893429_20048582>评论:

The OP Tony Eastwood reports in the comments:


The issue seems to have been caused by me:

  • 签出上级目录

  • 取消选中父目录,

  • ,然后再次签出父目录

  • checking out the parent directory,
  • unchecking the parent,
  • and then checking out the parent directory again.


运行更新后,很高兴执行 rmname 命令。

Surprisingly, once you've done this you have to run an update (even though you have made no changes).
Once I'd run update it was happy to execute the rmname command.