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Powershell Windows窗体边框颜色/控件?

更新时间:2023-12-06 09:05:22


This may be cludgy, but you can try adding this helper function on top of the code:

function Paint-FocusBorder([System.Windows.Forms.Control]$control) {
    # get the parent control (usually the form itself)
    $parent = $control.Parent
    if ($control.Focused) {
        $control.BackColor = "LightBlue"
        $pen = [System.Drawing.Pen]::new('Red', 2)
    else {
        $control.BackColor = "White"
        $pen = [System.Drawing.Pen]::new($parent.BackColor, 2)
    $rect = [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::new($control.Location, $control.Size)
    $parent.CreateGraphics().DrawRectangle($pen, $rect)

并设置 GotFocus LostFocus 事件处理程序,如下所示:

and set up the GotFocus and LostFocus event handlers like this:

$txt_one.Add_GotFocus({ Paint-FocusBorder $this })
$txt_one.Add_LostFocus({ Paint-FocusBorder $this })
$txt_two.Add_GotFocus({ Paint-FocusBorder $this })
$txt_two.Add_LostFocus({ Paint-FocusBorder $this })


# call the Paint-FocusBorder when the form is first drawn
$form.Add_Shown({Paint-FocusBorder $txt_one})

# show the form

# clean-up

P.S.在事件处理程序脚本块中,您可以使用 $ this

P.S. Inside an event handler scriptblock, you can refer to the control itself using the $this Automatic variable.

另外,在完成后执行 $ form.Dispose().