
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-01-05 22:24:18


  1. 在安装的Eclipse [注:您可以选择任何IDE,但是这是最广泛使用的一个用于Android开发。 的IntelliJ 是其他IDE,你可以试试。 ]
  2. 在安装 ADT (Android开发工具)的Eclipse插件(假设你没有选择去与日食)
  3. 将使用Android SDK管理器更新你的android工具
  4. (可选)得到一个Android设备测试你的应用程序,因为它是不建议完全依靠模拟器
  1. Install Eclipse [NOTE : You can choose any IDE but this is the most widely used one for Android development. IntelliJ is another IDE you could try. ]
  2. Install ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin for eclipse (assuming that you did choose to go with eclipse)
  3. Update your android tools by using the Android SDK manager
  4. (optional) get an Android device for testing you applications as it is not advisable to rely totally on the emulator


  1. 既然你是Windows开发者,你必须精通用C#,所以赶上的Java(在情况下,你已经不是)不应该有太大的麻烦
  2. 书签 Android开发者网站,并毫不犹豫地签了文件有疑问时
  3. 有一个看样品codeS 的官方网站上给出
  4. 您不妨在步行通过全跟着提到了 步骤过程
  1. Since you are a Windows developer, you must be fluent with C#, so catching up with Java (in case, you already haven't) shouldn't be much of a trouble
  2. Bookmark the Android developer website and never hesitate to check up the documentation when in doubt
  3. Have a look at the sample codes given on the official website
  4. You may wish to follow the steps mentioned up here as they walk you through the whole process


  1. 教程由Vogella
  2. 视频教程由thenewboston [注意:这是那我甚至找到了***的一系列的Andr​​oid视频教程之一,所以不要犹豫,下载所有200的视频。他们真的是非常有帮助! ]
  3. 视频教程由mybringback

  1. Tutorials by Vogella
  2. Video tutorials by thenewboston [ Note: This is the one of the best series of Android video tutorials that I have even found, so don't hesitate to download all 200 of the videos. They are really very helpful! ]
  3. Video tutorials by mybringback


祝你好运!也许Droid的与你同在! ;)

Good luck! May the Droid be with you! ;)