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Cocoa Touch中的协调控制器设计模式

更新时间:2022-05-29 23:37:30


Ok… it seems absurd, but I'm answering myself :P


I managed to make it work (finaly!) and I found I was managing the viewControllers in a BAAAAD way, so, I changed some code in the coordinating controller:


First, I don't have a "real" mainViewController with NIBs and stuf no more…


- (void) initialize{
    [self checkDevice];
    _mainVC = [C6MainViewController initWithDevice:device];
    _activeVC = _mainVC;
    [self checkLanguage];
    [self chooseFirstView];


- (void) initialize{
    [self checkDevice];
    [self checkLanguage];
    [self chooseFirstView];

checkDevice 验证是iPhone还是iPad我可以选择正确的NIB。

checkDevice verifies if it's iPhone or iPad, so I can choose the right NIB.

checkLanguage 检查[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]的语言

checkLanguage checks the [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] for the language


Finaly, I call chooseFirstView:

OLD chooseFirstView

-(void) chooseFirstView{
    // If a language was not setted, go to language settings view
    if (!language) {
        C6Log(@"Going to Language Settings");
        C6LanguageSettingsViewController *languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
        [_mainVC.view addSubview:languageVC.view];
    else {
        C6Log(@"Going to User Settings", language);
        C6AccountSettingsViewController *accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
        [_mainVC.view addSubview:accountVC.view];

新的selectFirstView p>

NEW chooseFirstView

-(void) chooseFirstView{
    // If a language was not setted, go to language settings view
    _activeVC = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
    UIImage *bgImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"];
    UIImageView *bgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:bgImage];
    [_activeVC.view addSubview:bgView];

    if (!language) {
        C6Log(@"Going to Language Settings");
        languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
        [_activeVC.view addSubview:languageVC.view];
    else {
        C6Log(@"Going to User Settings", language);
        accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
        [_activeVC.view addSubview:accountVC.view];

这个很大的变化是WHEN和如何启动_activeVC ...和_languageVC和_accountVC现在都是全局变量的事实。

The big change is WHEN and HOW I initiated the _activeVC… AND the fact that both _languageVC and _accountVC are now global variables.


Well, after this changes, the NIB button call both IBAction methods: it's file's owner and the coordinating controller.


Another BIG thing about using this kind of pattern is how to change from one view to another without explode iOS device memory… here's how I do it inside the coordinating controller:

- (IBAction) requestViewChangeByObject:(id)object {
    int buttonTag = [object tag]; // dividend
    int viewTag = buttonTag / divisor; // quotient
    int actionTag = buttonTag - (divisor * viewTag); // remainder
    C6Log(@"ViewTag: %d", viewTag);
    switch (viewTag) {
        case LanguageTags:{
            C6Log(@"LanguageTags - button %d", actionTag);
            accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
            UIView *fromView = languageVC.view;
            UIView *toView = accountVC.view;
            [self switchFrom:fromView To:toView usingAnimation:AnimationPushFromRigh];
        case AccountTags:{
            C6Log(@"AccountTags - button %d", actionTag);
            switch (actionTag) {
                case 0:{
                    C6Log(@"Go back");
                    languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device];
                    UIView *fromView = accountVC.view;
                    UIView *toView = languageVC.view;
                    [self switchFrom:fromView To:toView usingAnimation:AnimationPushFromLeft];


在开始的方法中,我做了很多数学...我创建了一个模式,每个NIB应该有100个倍数开始的标签...所以,语言从0开始,帐户为100 .........

In the beginning of the method, I do a lot of math… I "created" a pattern where each NIB should have it's tags beginning with 100 multiples… so, language begins with 0, account with 100………

#define divisor         100
#define LanguageTags    0
#define AccountTags     1


Then, the way I change from one view to another is right there:

-(void) switchFrom:(UIView*) fromView To:(UIView*) toView usingAnimation:(int) animation{
    /*************** SET ALL DEFAULT TRANSITION SETTINGS ***************/
    // Get the current view frame, width and height
    CGRect pageFrame = fromView.frame;
    CGFloat pageWidth = pageFrame.size.width;
    // Create the animation
    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
    // Create the delegate, so the "fromView" is removed after the transition
    [UIView setAnimationDelegate: fromView];
    [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];
    // Set the transition duration
    [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.4];

    // Add the "toView" as subview of "fromView" superview
    [fromView.superview addSubview:toView];

    switch (animation) {
        case AnimationPushFromRigh:{
            // Position the "toView" to the right corner of the page            
            toView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, pageWidth,0);
            // Animate the "fromView" to the left corner of the page
            fromView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, -pageWidth,0);
            // Animate the "toView" to the center of the page
            toView.frame = pageFrame;
            // Animate the "fromView" alpha
            fromView.alpha = 0;
            // Set and animate the "toView" alpha
            toView.alpha = 0;
            toView.alpha = 1;

            // Commit the animation
            [UIView commitAnimations];
        case AnimationPushFromLeft:{
            // Position the "toView" to the left corner of the page         
            toView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, -pageWidth,0);
            // Animate the "fromView" to the right corner of the page
            fromView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, pageWidth,0);
            // Animate the "toView" to the center of the page
            toView.frame = pageFrame;
            // Animate the "fromView" alpha
            fromView.alpha = 0;
            // Set and animate the "toView" alpha
            toView.alpha = 0;
            toView.alpha = 1;

            // Commit the animation
            [UIView commitAnimations];


I really hope this helps who's trying to use this coordinating controller pattern :P