
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-27 00:41:30


In the pod you could use any supported kubernetes client library to call REST API exposed by kubernetes API server to create a pod.

需要对客户端库进行身份验证才能调用kubernetes API.客户端库可以将服务帐户用于该服务帐户,并且该服务帐户必须具有RBAC才能通过调用kubernetes API服务器来创建Pod.

The client library need to be authenticated to be to call the kubernetes API. A service account can be used by the client library for that and the service account need to have RBAC to be to be able to create a pod by calling kubernetes API server.

在内部使用kubectl创建pod时,kubectl还调用kubernetes API服务器公开的REST API.

Internally kubectl also calls the REST API exposed by kubernetes API server when kubectl is used to create a pod.