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如何在 OpenGL 中实现灰度渲染?

更新时间:2021-11-29 01:21:56

默认的 OpenGL 帧缓冲区使用 RGB 颜色空间,它不存储显式饱和度.您需要一种方法来提取饱和度,对其进行修改,然后再将其更改回来.

The default OpenGL framebuffer uses the RGB colour-space, which doesn't store an explicit saturation. You need an approach for extracting the saturation, modifying it, and change it back again.

我之前的建议只是使用 RGB 矢量长度来表示亮度为 0 是不正确的,因为它没有考虑缩放,我很抱歉.

My previous suggestion which simply used the RGB vector length to represent 0 in luminance was incorrect, as it didn't take scaling into account, I apologize.

新短片断的功劳归于来自 FreeNode/IRC 上 ##opengl 和 ##opengl3 的普通用户RTFM_FTW",它让您可以直接修改饱和度,而无需计算昂贵的 RGB->HSV->RGB 转换,这正是您想要的.尽管 HSV 代码在您的问题方面较差,但我让它保留了下来.

Credit for the new short snippet goes to the regular user "RTFM_FTW" from ##opengl and ##opengl3 on FreeNode/IRC, and it lets you modify the saturation directly without computing the costly RGB->HSV->RGB conversion, which is exactly what you want. Though the HSV code is inferior with respect to your question, I let it stay.

void main( void ) 
    vec3 R0 = texture2DRect( S, gl_TexCoord[0].st ).rgb;
    gl_FragColor = vec4( mix( vec3( dot( R0, vec3( 0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721 ) ) ),
        R0, T ), gl_Color.a ); 

如果您想要更多的控制而不仅仅是饱和度,您需要转换为 HSL 或 HSV 色彩空间.如下图所示,使用 GLSL 片段着色器.

If you want more control than just the saturation, you need to convert to HSL or HSV colour-space. As shown below by using a GLSL fragment shader.

阅读 http://www.opengl.org/registry 上的 OpenGL 3.0 和 GLSL 1.30 规范a> 了解如何使用 GLSL v1.30 功能.

Read the OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 specification available on http://www.opengl.org/registry to learn how to use GLSL v1.30 functionality.

#version 130
#define RED 0
#define GREEN 1
#define BLUE 2

in vec4 vertexIn;
in vec4 colorIn;
in vec2 tcoordIn;
out vec4 pixel;
Sampler2D tex;
vec4 texel;
const float epsilon = 1e-6;

vec3 RGBtoHSV(vec3 color)
    /* hue, saturation and value are all in the range [0,1> here, as opposed to their
       normal ranges of: hue: [0,360>, sat: [0, 100] and value: [0, 256> */
    int sortindex[3] = {RED,GREEN,BLUE};
    float rgbArr[3] = float[3](color.r, color.g, color.b);

    float hue, saturation, value, diff;
    float minCol, maxCol;
    int minIndex, maxIndex;

    if(color.g < color.r)
        swap(sortindex[0], sortindex[1]);
    if(color.b < color.g)
        swap(sortindex[1], sortindex[2]);
    if(color.r < color.b)
        swap(sortindex[2], sortindex[0]);

    minIndex = sortindex[0];
    maxIndex = sortindex[2];
    minCol = rgbArr[minIndex];
    maxCol = rgbArr[maxIndex];

    diff = maxCol - minCol;

    /* Hue */
    if( diff < epsilon){
        hue = 0.0;
    else if(maxIndex == RED){
        hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.g - color.b) / diff )) + 1.0;
        hue = fract(hue);
    else if(maxIndex == GREEN){
        hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.b - color.r) / diff )) + (1.0/3.0);
    else if(maxIndex == BLUE){
        hue = ((1.0/6.0) * ( (color.r - color.g) / diff )) + (2.0/3.0);        

    /* Saturation */
    if(maxCol < epsilon)
        saturation = 0;
        saturation = (maxCol - minCol) / maxCol;

    /* Value */
    value = maxCol;

    return vec3(hue, saturation, value);
vec3 HSVtoRGB(vec3 color)
    float f,p,q,t, hueRound;
    int hueIndex;
    float hue, saturation, value;
    vec3 result;

    /* just for clarity */
    hue = color.r;
    saturation = color.g;
    value = color.b;

    hueRound = floor(hue * 6.0);
    hueIndex = int(hueRound) % 6;
    f = (hue * 6.0) - hueRound;
    p = value * (1.0 - saturation);
    q = value * (1.0 - f*saturation);
    t = value * (1.0 - (1.0 - f)*saturation);

        case 0:
            result = vec3(value,t,p);
        case 1:
            result = vec3(q,value,p);
        case 2:
            result = vec3(p,value,t);
        case 3:
            result = vec3(p,q,value);
        case 4:
            result = vec3(t,p,value);
            result = vec3(value,p,q);
    return result;
void main(void)
    vec4 srcColor;
    vec3 hsvColor;
    vec3 rgbColor;
    texel = Texture2D(tex, tcoordIn);
    srcColor = texel*colorIn;
    hsvColor = RGBtoHSV(srcColor.rgb);
    /* You can do further changes here, if you want. */
    hsvColor.g = 0; /* Set saturation to zero */
    rgbColor = HSVtoRGB(hsvColor);
    pixel = vec4(rgbColor.r, rgbColor.g, rgbColor.b, srcColor.a);