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更新时间:2022-06-18 05:30:08


You can update the list items using their index:

for i, url in enumerate(urls):
    if "javascript" in url:
        urls[i] = url.replace('javascript:l("','').replace('");','-Texas.html')


Another alternative is to use a list comprehension:

def my_replace(s):
    return s.replace('javascript:l("','').replace('");','-Texas.html')

urls[:] = [my_replace(url) if "javascript" in url else url for url in urls]


Here urls[:] means replace all the items of urls list with the new list created by the list comprehension.


The reason why your code didn't worked is that you're assigning the variable url to something else, and changing one of the reference of an object to point to something else doesn't affect the other references. So, your code is equivalent to:

>>> lis = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
>>> url = lis[0]                   #create new reference to 'aa'
>>> url = lis[0].replace('a', 'd') #now assign url to a new string that was returned by `lis[0].replace`
>>> url 
>>> lis[0]


Also note that str.replace always returns a new copy of string, it never changes the original string because strings are immutable in Python. In case lis[0] was a list and you performed any in-place operation on it using .append, .extend etc, then that would have affected the original list as well.