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Spring MVC中的PUT请求

更新时间:2022-06-27 05:55:11

你没有告诉spring如何绑定名称和电子邮件参数。例如,通过添加 @RequestParam

You did not tell spring how to bind the name and email parameters from the request. For example, by adding a @RequestParam:

public @ResponseBody User updateUser(@PathVariable("id") long id, 
                                     @RequestParam String name, 
                                     @RequestParam String email) { ... }

name email 参数将从查询中填充请求中的字符串。例如,如果您向 /users/1?name=Josh&email=jb@ex.com 发出请求,您将收到以下回复:

name and email parameters will be populated from the query strings in the request. For instance, if you fire a request to /users/1?name=Josh&email=jb@ex.com, you will get this response:

User{id=1, name='Josh', email='jb@ex.com'}

为了更多地了解定义处理程序方法,请查看spring 文档

In order to gain more insight about defining handler methods, check out the spring documentation.