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Sequelize Query 查找日期范围内的所有记录

更新时间:2021-11-14 05:30:24


The solution which works for me is this:-

// here startDate and endDate are Date objects
const where = {
    from: {
        $between: [startDate, endDate]

更多关于运营商的参考:- http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/querying/#operators

For reference to know more about operators:- http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/querying/#operators

注意:MYSQL中,between比较运算符是inclusive,这意味着它等价于表达式(startDate <= from AND from <= endDate).

Note: In MYSQL between comparison operator is inclusive, which means it is equivalent to the expression (startDate <= from AND from <= endDate).