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更新时间:2022-04-14 07:29:32

if ajax = false,文件下载工作,但ajaxStatus不显示


That's because the download doesn't take place by an ajax request.

如果ajax = true,则显示ajaxStatus但不下载工作!

这是因为下载不能通过ajax请求进行。 JS / Ajax将成功地检索该文件,但不知道如何处理它。没有办法强制使用JS另存为对话框。没有办法使用JS访问本地磁盘文件系统(否则这将是一个巨大的安全漏洞)。

That's because the download can't take place by an ajax request. JS/Ajax will successfully retrieve the file, but have no idea how to deal with it. There's no way to force a Save As dialogue with JS. There's no way to access the local disk file system with JS (it would otherwise have been a huge security breach).


使用PrimeFaces提供 PrimeFaces.monitorDownload() JS函数。 他们自己的< p: fileDownload> 展示页面,这是下面提供的参考(特别注意文件下载命令按钮的 onclick 属性):

Use the PrimeFaces-provided PrimeFaces.monitorDownload() JS function. A complete example can be found on their own <p:fileDownload> showcase page which is copypasted below for reference (note particularly the onclick attribute of the file download command button):

<p:dialog modal="true" widgetVar="statusDialog" header="Status" 
    draggable="false" closable="false" resizable="false">  
    <p:graphicImage value="/design/ajaxloadingbar.gif" />  

<h:form id="form">  
    <p:commandButton id="downloadLink" value="Download" ajax="false"
        onclick="PrimeFaces.monitorDownload(start, stop)"
        <p:fileDownload value="#{fileDownloadController.file}" />  

<script type="text/javascript">  
    function start() {  

    function stop() {  


This can be applied in your particular case by changing the command link as follows:

<p:commandLink id="download" value="Download" ajax="false"
    onclick="PrimeFaces.monitorDownload(showStatus, hideStatus)"

并替换< p:ajaxStatus> 通过一个简单的< p:dialog> ,如展示示例所示。

and replacing the <p:ajaxStatus> by a simple <p:dialog> as demonstrated in showcase example.


This all works behind the scenes with a special cookie which is polled at short intervals by JS (every 100ms or so). During creating of the file download response, a special cookie will be set on its headers. Once the file download response headers arrives at the browser, then the cookie is set in the browser. When the JS poller finds it in the browser cookie space, then it closes the progess.