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更新时间:2022-01-16 09:20:54

一种方法,不是那么容易,但在某种程度上却很简单,就是使用CGI.您可以在 Apache文档

One way, not so easy but simple in some way, is to use CGI, as you said. You can find more information on Apache documentation and Python CGI module documentation.

但是,基本上,您必须将服务器设置为运行cgi sripts.这是通过编辑httpd.conf或.htaccess文件来完成的:对于第一个选项,请添加或取消注释以下内容:

But, basically, you have to set your server to run cgi sripts. This is done by editing httpd.conf or a .htaccess file: For the first option, add or uncomment the follow:

LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ # update the second location according to your configuration. It has to be a place where apache is allow to use, otherwise see apache documentation for setting another directory.


Then, you just need to add your python script in the directory that you set above.


Note that the output from your script must be preceded by a mime-type header, as Apache documentation says.

因此,一个hello world脚本可以命名为hello.py,其内容可以是:

So, a hello world script could be named hello.py and its content could be:

print('Content-type: text/html') # the mime-type header.
print() # header must be separated from body by 1 empty line.
print('Hello world')


Than, you can call your scrit from a browser:


请注意,Python在其cgi realized内置模块中具有一些优点.cgi模块将为您提供处理表单的方法,而cgitb将为您提供一种有用的(但不是完美的)调试脚本的方法.有关更多信息,请再次阅读文档.

Note that Python has some goodies inside its cgi realted builtin modules. The cgi module will give you a way to handle forms, and cgitb will give you a helpful (but not perfect) way to debug your script. For more on that, read the documentation again.


Finally, using cgi directly to run python scripts gives you a raw way to work with http requests. There is a lot of already done frameworks, like flask and django, that gives you more power easily. You could check that.