
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-26 09:39:24


You've asked a lot of questions here about your whole app, better to break things down and test each, then put them all together.


Starting with the Excel file, is Excel already running and if so the file already open say by the user. get or create Excel and open the file if necessary. When done close the file if you opened it and quit Excel if you created a hidden instance. Otherwise normally best leave things as the user had them.

Sub test()
Dim bXL As Boolean
Dim bWB As Boolean
Dim xl As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim sFile As String

    sFile = "<path-to-file>"

    On Error Resume Next
    ' if xl is open we'll use it or create an invisible instance
    Set xl = GetObject(, "excel.application")
    On Error GoTo 0    ' or to our error handler
    If Not xl Is Nothing Then
        bXL = True
        Set xl = CreateObject("excel.application")
    End If
    If bXL Then
        ' if exl was open was our file already open
        On Error Resume Next
        Set wb = xl.Workbooks(sFile)
        On Error GoTo 0    'or to our error handler
    End If
    If Not wb Is Nothing Then
        bWB = True
        Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(sFile)
    End If

    If Not wb Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox wb.Name
        ' get the array
        MsgBox "oops!"
        ' does the file exists, is it open in a 2nd excel instance, etc
        ' handle the error
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' close the wb only if we opened it
    If bWB = False Then
        wb.Close , False
    End If
    ' quit xl only if we created it
    If Not bXL Then
    End If

End Sub


As written, with the qualified variables to the Excel object model (early binding), you'll need to add a reference in your Word project to Excel. However it must be to the lowest version any user might potentially use, eg 2003. If that's n/a to you should adapt to 'late binding' by changing any variables declared as an Excel reference,  eg

Dim wb As Excel.Workbook ' early binding with excel reference
' or
Dim wb As Object ' late binding


Test different combinations of Excel not/open and the file not/open before moving on. For simplicity the above doesn't not cater fro the relatively rare scenaro there are multiple instances of Excel running and you grabbed an instance but the file was open in a different instance.


If your file is never likely to be open you might be able to get your data without opening it or starting an Excel instance by using ADO. If applicable a quick search should find you some examples.