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向量OpenMP C的矩阵乘法

更新时间:2022-06-21 21:31:13


I essentially already answer this question parallelizing-matrix-times-a-vector-by-columns-and-by-rows-with-openmp.


You have a race condition when you write to results[y]. To fix this, and still parallelize the inner loop, you have to make private versions of results[y], fill them in parallel, and then merge them in a critical section.


In the code below I assume you're using double, replace it with float or int or whatever datatype you're using (note that your inner loop goes over the first index of matrix[i][y] which is cache unfriendly).

#pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)
    int y,i;
    double* results_private = (double*)calloc(matrix_size, sizeof(double));
    for(y = 0; y < matrix_size ; y++) {
        #pragma omp for
        for(i = 0; i < matrix_size; i++) {
            results_private[y] += vector[i]*matrix[i][y];   
    #pragma omp critical
        for(y=0; y<matrix_size; y++) results[y] += results_private[y];


If this is homework assignment and you want to really impress your instructor then it's possible to do the merging without a critical section. See this link to get an idea on what to do fill-histograms-array-reduction-in-parallel-with-openmp-without-using-a-critic though I can't promise it will be faster.