
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-01-01 21:51:17

问题是,当推断类型时, o 是:

The problem is that when the type is inferred, then the type of o is:

{ dic: { a: number, b: number } }

{dic不同:{[name:string ]:数字}} 。至关重要的是,使用最高签名的人不允许您执行 o.dic ['x'] = 1 之类的操作。有了第二个签名,就可以了。

That's not the same as { dic: { [name: string]: number } }. Critically, with the top signature you're not allowed to do something like o.dic['x'] = 1. With the 2nd signature you are.


They are equivalent types at runtime (indeed, they're the exact same value), but a big part of TypeScript's safety comes from the fact that these aren't the same, and that it'll only let you treat an object as a dictionary if it knows it's explicitly intended as one. This is what stops you accidentally reading and writing totally non-existent properties on objects.


The solution is to ensure TypeScript knows that it's intended as a dictionary. That means:

  • 在某处显式提供一种类型,以表明它是字典:

  • Explicitly providing a type somewhere that tells it it's a dictionary:

let o:MyInterface


Asserting it to be a dictionary inline:

let o = {dic:< {[名称:字符串]:数字}> {'a':1,'b':2}}


Ensuring it's the initial type that TypeScript infers for you:



If there's a case where TypeScript thinks it's a normal object with just two properties, and then you try to use it later as a dictionary, it'll be unhappy.