
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

如果可以进行逆向工程,如何保护应用程序 IPA 免受黑客攻击

更新时间:2022-04-28 22:22:49


There's always a risk involved. Even if you don't introduce vulnerabilities yourself, the platform may allow for exploits which in the end may offer an entry point for a malicious attacker.

关于您的问题:假设硬编码的 URL 无法从您的产品中剥离出来,即使经过难以置信的混淆,也是安全的.始终设计您的应用,以确保用户数据的安全(尽可能),即使内置资源受到损害.如果仅了解该 URL 就构成安全威胁,那么您的整个方法和您的客户端 API 本质上是不安全的.请记住,此类信息也可能被中间人攻击(和其他攻击模式)捕获.

As to your question: It is not safe to assume that a hardcoded URL, even if obfuscated beyond belief, can't be peeled out of your product. Always design your apps such that safety of user data is guaranteed (as far as possible) even if built in ressources get compromised. If the knowledge of that URL alone poses a security threat, then your whole approach and your clients API is inherently insecure. Remember that such information could possibly be captured by a man-in-the-middle attack (and other modes of attack) as well.

通过默默无闻来避免安全.如有必要,仅将敏感数据存储在磁盘上.通常不允许 PIN/TAN 存储.

Avoid security by obscurity. Store sensitive data only on disk if it is necessary. As a rule don't allow PIN / TAN storage.


Some thoughts which may (or may not) convince your client that your app is as safe as it can be:

  • 只要应用在未越狱的设备上运行,即使知道您的应用内部结构的攻击者也不太可能获取任何用户数据,因为 iPhone 通常不提供干扰的机会使用您的应用
  • 如果攻击者能够获取您的用户数据,并且您一直在使用 iOS 下可用的所有手段保护该数据(-> 钥匙串-> 加密芯片->...),那么这不是您的错.这意味着设备要么已越狱,要么系统本身存在已被利用的漏洞,您对这两种可能性都无能为力.
  • 阻止对您的应用进行逆向工程是不可能的.即使你在混淆上付出了更多的努力,一个有强烈动机的攻击者仍然能够得到他想要的东西.您的客户需要习惯这一点,因为这是事实.
  • 其他平台也有类似的漏洞,但在 iPhone 上,至少你有一个封闭的环境,被木马等攻击的风险降低了.
  • ***和安全公司经常受到黑客攻击,尽管他们现在应该如何保护自己.这意味着生命本质上是不安全的,应对它.