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如何在不使用 Swing 类/方法的情况下嵌套布局管理器?

更新时间:2022-04-16 22:12:55

让我们澄清一些事情.LayoutManagerContainer(例如 FramePanelApplet)使用code>) 来计算 Container 中组件的位置和大小.这意味着谈论嵌套 LayoutManagers"是不正确的.另一方面,您可以将 Container 嵌套在彼此内部,并为每个容器提供自己的 LayoutManager.我相信这就是你想要做的.

Let's clarify a few things. A LayoutManagers are used by a Container (such as Frame, Panel, or Applet) to calculate position and size of the components inside the Container. This means that it is incorrect to talk about "nesting LayoutManagers". On the other hand you can nest Containers inside each other and give each one its own LayoutManager. I believe this is what you want to do.


Let me illustrate this with a contrived example:

public class MyGUI {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Frame f = new Frame("Layout Example");
        Panel mainPanel = new Panel(new BorderLayout());

        Panel toolBar = new Panel(new FlowLayout());
        toolBar.add(new Button("Button 1"));
        toolBar.add(new Button("Button 2"));

        Panel statusBar = new Panel(new FlowLayout());
        statusBar.add(new Label("Status"));


请注意,您需要为每个 LayoutManager 创建一个新的 Panel.或者更确切地说,您创建的每个 Panel 都需要一个 LayoutManager.此外,通过将 Frame 替换为 JFrame,将 Panel 替换为 JPanel,可以轻松地将这个示例从 AWT 更改为 Swing,Button 带有 JButtonLabel 带有 JLabel.

Notice that you need to create a new Panel for each LayoutManager. Or rather each Panel that you create needs a LayoutManager. Also, this example can easily be changed from AWT to Swing by replacing Frame with JFrame, Panel with JPanel, Button with JButton, and Label with JLabel.


p.s. The above code is not tested. It should illustrate the concepts involved here, though.