
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-09-04 22:29:35

您可以完全放弃异步修改器,并使用 Task.FromResult 来同步返回一个完成的任务:

You can forgo the async modifier altogether and use Task.FromResult to return a completed task synchronously:

Task<Foo> ISomething.DoSomethingAsync()
    return Task.FromResult(DoSomethingElse());


This takes care of the warning and has better performance as it doesn't need the state machine overhead of an async method.


However, this does change the semantics of exception handling a bit. If that's an issue then you should use the synchronous async method approach and accept the warning (or turn it off with a comment):

#pragma warning disable 1998
    async Task<Foo> ISomething.DoSomethingAsync() 
#pragma warning restore 1998
        return DoSomethingElse();


As Stephen Cleary suggested you can also take care of that warning (while keeping the method synchronous) by awaiting an already completed task:

async Task<Foo> ISomething.DoSomethingAsync() 
    await Task.FromResult(false); // or Task.CompletedTask in .Net 4.6
    return DoSomethingElse();