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MediaSource API 和 mp4

更新时间:2022-02-20 22:44:49

更新:Chrome Dev/Canary 支持 MP4(或更正式的 ISO BMFF).您需要以符合媒体源规范的方式生成 MP4 文件.幸运的是,媒体源在编写时考虑到了 MPEG-DASH,因此任何符合 DASH 的文件都可以与媒体源一起使用.GPAC/MP4Box 是一个很好的工具:

Update: MP4 (or more formally ISO BMFF) support is in Chrome Dev/Canary. You'll need to generate your MP4 files in a way that conforms to the Media Source spec. Fortunately, Media Source was written with MPEG-DASH in mind, so any DASH-compliant files will work with Media Source. GPAC/MP4Box is a great tool for this:

MP4Box -dash 5000 -frag 5000 -rap some_file.mp4

...将创建some_file_dash.mp4",它应该与媒体源兼容.较早发布的 MP4Box 版本存在一些错误,因此我建议暂时从 SVN 构建.

...will create 'some_file_dash.mp4', which should be compatible with Media Source. There are some bugs in earlier released versions of MP4Box, so I recommend building from SVN for now.