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SQL Server外键原因周期或多个级联路径

更新时间:2021-12-04 23:16:26


I can't find corresponding documentation for later versions, but the SQL Server 2000 BOL addresses this issue:


The series of cascading referential actions triggered by a single DELETE or UPDATE must form a tree containing no circular references. No table can appear more than once in the list of all cascading referential actions that result from the DELETE or UPDATE. The tree of cascading referential actions must not have more than one path to any given table. Any branch of the tree is terminated when it encounters a table for which NO ACTION has been specified or is the default.


And later versions haven't changed this. You're falling foul of this:


The tree of cascading referential actions must not have more than one path to any given table

我知道要完成此操作的唯一方法是使用INSTEAD OF触发器而不是使用ON DELETE...来实现B和A之间的级联之一.

The only way I know of to accomplish this is to implement one of the cascades between B and A using an INSTEAD OF trigger, rather than using ON DELETE....


The relation between tables A and C shouldn't be impacted by any of this.

( 2008 BOL )