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将视图定义从一个数据库复制到SQL Server中的另一个数据库

更新时间:2021-12-26 22:09:39


In case this helps someone in the future, here's my solution to this problem. The full history of how I came up with it is over at Stored Procedure to Copy Views from Current Database to Another

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Copy_View_To_Database]
    @ViewName SYSNAME, -- The name of the view to copy over
    @DatabaseName SYSNAME, -- The name of the database to copy the view to    
    @overwrite bit = 1 -- Whether to overwrite any existing view
    IF DB_ID(@DatabaseName) IS NULL -- Validate the database name exists
       RAISERROR('Invalid Destination Database Name passed',16,1)
    IF @overwrite = 1 -- If set to overwrite, try to drop the remote view
        DECLARE @DropViewStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) =
            'EXEC ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + '.sys.sp_executesql N''DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ' + QUOTENAME(@ViewName) + ';'';'
        EXEC (@DropViewStatement);
    -- Extract the saved definition of the view
    DECLARE @ViewDefinition NVARCHAR(MAX);
    SELECT @ViewDefinition = definition FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(@ViewName);
    -- Check for a mismatch between the internal view name and the expected name (TODO: Resolve this automatically?)
    IF @ViewDefinition NOT LIKE ('%' + @ViewName + '%')
       DECLARE @InternalName NVARCHAR(MAX) = SUBSTRING(@ViewDefinition, 3, CHARINDEX(char(10), @ViewDefinition, 3)-4);
       PRINT ('Warning: The view named '+@ViewName+' has an internal definition name that is different ('+@InternalName+'). This may have been caused by renaming the view after it was created. You will have to drop and recreate it with the correct name.')
    -- Substitute any hard-coded references to the current database with the destination database
    SET @ViewDefinition = REPLACE(@ViewDefinition, db_name(), @DatabaseName); 
    -- Generate the dynamic SQL that will create the view on the remote database
    DECLARE @CreateViewStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) =
        'EXEC ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + '.sys.sp_executesql N''' + REPLACE(@ViewDefinition,'''','''''') + ''';'
    --PRINT '@CreateViewStatement: ' + @CreateViewStatement -- Can be used for debugging
    -- Execute the create statement
    EXEC (@CreateViewStatement);


In short, you need two layers of nested dynamic SQL:

  • 执行创建视图"的内层;声明,该声明必须是独立的.这是使用 EXEC SomeDatabase.sys.sp_executesql @CreateViewSQL
  • 执行的
  • 动态地指定"SomeDatabase"的另一层.通过参数(假设您需要将其复制到脚本编写时未知的数据库中的灵活性).


Calling the above stored proc in the inner-loop of the original poster's tentative solution should solve the problem of copying a view to another database.


Note that simply looping over all views might pose a challenge if views depend on one another. There may be some additional complexity involving resolving the dependency tree of views an copying them in the correct order. Alternatively, a "dumb and easy" approach might be to loop over all views, ignore failures, and keep repeating the process until all views have been created.